Thursday, June 16, 2011

Review: BEWARE Demo 2011

Fresh outta Pennsylvania we have a demo from BEWARE. Dudes from MOTHER OF MERCY, STICK TOGETHER, DAYLIGHT, and BLACK FEATHERS. This is straight up old school youth crew with a very heavy CHAIN OF STRENGTH influence. Everything about this demo sounds like it could have come out in the late 80's, from the guitar tones, Bob's vocals, and just the overall production.

The lyrics deal with topics typical of this genre such as commitment and losing touch with friends, but from more of a pissed off point of view and in a way where they don't come off.

All in all, this demo rips from start to finish. With a lot of bands playing this style these days I'm glad there is a band like this (among a few others), doing it well and keeping it fresh. I can't wait to see with these dudes do next. Look out for a 7 inch somewhat soon on BACK TO BACK RECORDS.

Chech the demo out HERE
